Samsung Galaxy S8: when SMS get lost

The high-end smartphones of different manufacturers are obviously not immune to problems: the Samsung Galaxy S8 would currently tend to lose SMS en route ..

image via: Sammy Hub
 Google Pixel 2 suffers from Burn-in, Apple's iPhone X sees green lines appear on its screen, and now the Galaxy S8 / S8 + has the annoying tendency to lose SMS ...

 * Prix initial : 547€.

 This is at least what many users report on forums, including France. According to users, any SMS sent to them would not be automatically received by the smartphone.

Related: Samsung Galaxy S8 spécifications actives révélées dans des photos perdues 

Regardless of the operator, it seems that the problem is indeed attributable to the Galaxy S8 and its declination Plus.Nucun network problem would not be the cause of the problem. For the moment, the comments on this subject are multiplying, but nobody is able to explain it. Samsung has not reacted yet.

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