Stanford researchers have recently launched an astonishing project: to invite the general public to identify the mosquitoes encountered in order to build up a vast database in order to monitor their expansion and fight against the diseases they carry.
The mosquito is currently the animal that causes the most human casualties in the world. If its bite is not fatal in itself, the mosquito tends to carry several deadly diseases that are transmitted to humans during bites, making the fight against the proliferation of these insects a health priority.
Stanford researchers have launched a new initiative that calls on the general public to feed a huge database. And the only equipment needed to participate is a smartphone.
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The research teams indicate that each mosquito species has its own signature on the sound it emits with its flapping wings. It is enough then to record the sound of a mosquito with its smartphone and to send it to the Abuzz site while adding its geolocation to participate in the project.
The goal is simple: identify mosquito species and record them on a map. There are 3500 species of mosquitoes known to date, having a map with their location would monitor their progress and anticipate epidemic phenomena.
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