Sexual assault: towards a pré-plainte en ligne?

Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet is considering setting up an  pré-plainte en lignefor victims of sexual violence.

Questioned at the microphone of RTL on the issue of sexual violence, and the rise of complaints filed in gendarmerie zone probably related to the Weinstein affair (and the release of the word on Twitter), Nicole Belloubet evoked the "challenge of speech the victims. "

For the Minister of Justice, it would be necessary "to imagine a system of  pré-plainte en ligne as it exists for the attacks on the property. [...] Without having the procedure to go to the police station, the victims could deposit a pré-plainte. plain online which would then be followed. "

After availability in several departments, the online pré-plainte service was deployed at the national level in 2013. Currently, it allows a victim to make a declaration for events such as theft, damage or scams, and for which the identity of the author is not known.

On, it can be read that the "essentially aims to save time during a presentation to the unit or service chosen." So that the pré-plainte  is recorded as a complaint, the declaration must be signed at the gendarmerie or in a police department.

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