An encouraging trend for mixed reality headsets? A beginning of index with figures for SteamVR.
The Windows 10 Windows Mixed Reality platform took off last October with the release of first headsets dedicated to the exploitation of this mixed reality. However, it remains difficult for the moment to judge whether or not these helmets are popular.
A first indication is provided by the monthly hardware and software survey of the Steam platform. Since November, SteamVR is compatible with Windows Mixed Reality.
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Windows Mixed Reality headsets are used by 4.35% of Steam VR players. For comparison, it's a 47.26% market share for HTC Vive, while Oculus Rift is almost 46.14% matched (or even better with the development kit).
A caveat, however, to the extent that participation in the Steam investigation remains optional. In addition, it will be necessary to pay more attention to follow the evolution of the trends keeping in mind that there are other blinds than Steam (Valve).
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