The game Cuphead has enjoyed a large success in recent weeks, to the point that a copy is now available on the App Store.
Hard to understand how Apple can let this kind of applications when we know how strict the company is in terms of access to its App Store.
Still, a group of clever little rushed to take advantage of the success of the game Cuphead to propose an adaptation in mobile version, which is charged 5.49 euros on the App Store. MDHR Studio, which is behind the official game, has already shared its opinion on Twitter, indicating that it is doing everything possible to remove the app from the App Store as soon as possible.
The application is a true copy of the original title, it does not hide behind a vague adaptation: menus, sets, levels and music are the same as on Cuphead, which could suggest to the players that the title had indeed been officially worn.
Depuis, l'application a été retirée de l'App Store, mais les joueurs ayant déjà acheté le titre pourront continuer à en profiter, sans toutefois pouvoir le réinstaller s'ils venaient à changer d'iPhone ou à perdre leurs données... De quoi les inviter à demander un remboursement de la part d'Apple qui a contribué à la diffusion d'une oeuvre pirate tout en prenant sa commission de 30% au passage...
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