Sony wants to resurrect Aibo, his robot dog

A pioneer in the consumer robot market, Sony could give a second chance to its robotic dog Aibo by incorporating a form of artificial intelligence.

 According to the Nikkei Asian Review, Sony is about to release a new version of its robot dog Aibo. Released in 1999, the robot was considered to be at the forefront of high-tech, it offered many interactions with humans, but its price reserved it to a wealthy public, since billed more than 2000 €.

Very popular, however, Aibo will never have managed to become a consumer item, too complex to produce, Sony was not able to reduce production costs and it stopped in 2006.

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Aibo embarked however some new and new technologies at the time that have since democratized, including voice and visual recognition.

According to the Japanese newspaper, the new version of Aibo should always be able to move like a real dog, but to propose a true form of artificial intelligence allowing him even more interactions with his user, but also with various connected devices. The OS that animates it should be open to allow developers to offer third-party enhancements and applications.

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