Android: a batch of security patches

The Android security update for the month of August is available. A deployment that will primarily concern Google devices.
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No summer truce. The August security update for Android is announced. The patches are divided into two levels. A partial level covers vulnerabilities common to all Android devices, and a comprehensive level integrates additional patches for drivers and kernel components on some devices.

The goal of such segmentation is to offer Google's Android partners greater flexibility. This allows them to quickly correct a set of similar faults for all devices.

The August security update corrects 28 vulnerabilities in the partial level, and 14 in the full level. Google also adds less than a dozen patches for vulnerabilities on its devices, and all with a low level of dangerousness.

Ten remote code execution vulnerabilities are announced critical. Again, they concern the Media Framework. Google says it has no knowledge of a report about any active exploitation in attacks.

The Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Pixel C and Nexus Player will be entitled to an update in OTA. Factory images are also available. For non-Google devices, this will depend as always on the adaptation of third-party manufacturers.

It's been two years since Google set up a monthly security appointment for Android, with at the time a response to security flaws affecting libStageFright.

Related: The Nokia 8 under Android O from its launch in August?  

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