Instagram: ask to join a live video

Instagram toilet live streaming two with the ability to request to join the live video of a friend.

Last month, Instagram rolled out live streaming to two. A user can start a live video and invite a friend to join Live. At the end of the broadcast, the live video can be shared in the Stories.

Related:  Instagram: Stories on the Web version

From now on, the application deploys the possibility to ask to join the Live of a friend. When viewing live video, a button for sending a request appears in the comments section.

Related:  Instagram: Stories share in Direct

If necessary, a notification will inform the possibility of joining the live video when the request is accepted. The screen will be divided in two.

 This new addition does not change the fact that live streaming is always between two friends in the Facebook sense of the word.

suivre Dhaouadi Aymensur Google+

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