This is a feature in place in the US for two years already on Facebook: it is now possible to "take a break" with some friends on the social network.
Among the list of "friends" that we collect on Facebook, there are several categories: close relationships, and others. But it is not always pleasant to endure the publications of each meal of such a long time, the last disasters of his children or even of his militant claims or philosophies of counter ...
However, it is often difficult to separate from these relationships on the network without causing a melodrama, the latter being so anchored in the social network that this deletion will be experienced as an ultimate affront ...
Related:Facebook: a self-destructing status
Fortunately, Facebook offers a much more diplomatic solution: "Take a break". For simplicity, Facebook offers to "pause" with certain relationships which results in the automatic hiding of your publications to the person with whom one wishes to distance oneself, without this latter being informed. Likewise, posts that identify friends who have been put aside will no longer appear in your newsfeed. When the storm is over and you have found the courage to stand up to your friends' online activities again, just one click will get you back to normal.
Source : Take a break
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