Google and Facebook will soon be responsible for publishing their users?

The rise of harassment on social networks as well as the proliferation of Fake News forces platforms to consider new forms of moderation ... In the UK, platforms could soon make the platforms directly responsible for content shared by their subscribers.

Until now, it is considered that online platforms and especially social networks are not responsible for the contents displayed and shared by their users. The networks thus moderate according to their general conditions of use, and according to the possible requests of beneficiaries or the authorities.

The responsibility of the platforms is then committed only if they do not respect the deadlines imposed by the authorities, which Germany has recently indicated to Facebook, accused of taking time to make disappear certain contents in connection with harassment or terrorism.

Related: Facebook: Stories for all Pages

The Brexit should allow the UK to go much further. Apart from the European legislation agreements, the country could, under the impetus of the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Karen Bradley, make Facebook and Google responsible for the publications of their users.

Related: Facebook sanctioned in Spain for its management of personal data

The objective is to force the social networks to take the lead to set up filters or a more active and reactive moderation in order to avoid drifts. Considering that any publication could involve penalties for social networks, they will have no choice but to impose the validation or verification of each message, at the risk of falling into blind censorship and loss of instantaneity.

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