Facebook buys TBH application

Facebook has just bought the TBH application currently in vogue among American teenagers with once again the objective to compete with Snapchat.

Facebook generates a large part of its turnover with the activity of teenagers on its various platforms, whether its social network or its messaging services.

After the failure of Snapchat's acquisition, the group does not fail to recopy all the features of its competitor to integrate them to Messenger, but that is not enough. Facebook is also investing in the purchase of a few popular startups, notably with TBH. The social network would have bought the app under iOS for $ 100 million, which is quite consistent for an app launched in August last and available in only a few US states at the moment.

The TBH (To Be Honest) application however already gathers more than 5 million users and proposes to send surveys to its contacts. The application offers questions like "Who makes you laugh the most, which is the most pleasant in the morning?" While proposing 4 names of friends. The user makes his choice and the elected official will be informed, without, however, sharing the identity of the person who voted unless he is voluntary to identify himself.

Related: Facebook to order to eat

TBH only offers positive polls for users, it is above all to share good humor and that is what makes the success of the application. The purchase of the application should not change the service, Facebook hopes that the success of the latter will continue to grow at a steady pace.

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