2012-tc4: an asteroid will approach Earth on October 12

 This Thursday, October 12, a small asteroid should pass near the Earth. No risk of collision is to be feared, but the opportunity will be presented for enthusiasts and space agencies to observe this passage.

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2012 TC4 is not a threatening asteroid, its size is only between 10 and 30 meters, nevertheless, it moves to almost 50 000 km / h and should approach a distance of 6789 km of our Earth, eight times less than the distance that separates us from the Moon.

Even at this distance, the small size of the asteroid makes it mostly destroyed when it enters our atmosphere. Its passage to the nearest of our planet should however allow scientists to study it and thus improve our ability to predict both the detection of other asteroids, but also to better calculate their routes.

  Related: 2012 TC4: the asteroid will go to 44000 km of the Earth

Paul Chodas, director of the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at NASA's JPL, says it will be possible for amateur astronomers to observe the asteroid. Provided you know where to point your telescope, a device with a 20 cm mirror should do the trick. It will be unfortunately impossible to observe 2012-TC4 with the naked eye because of its low light.

Curious will always be able to watch the passage of the asteroid which will be transmitted live on Slooh.com from 21:30.

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