After Apple, it is Google's turn to skip the port jack of its smartphone Pixel 2, a choice that today finds an explanation.
image via : Venturebeat |
We remember that Google had made a little fun of Apple when the release of the iPhone 7 to finally also spend this year. Faced with the rumbling of users, Google recently explained its motivations on the forums of the company.
For Google, this is simply a natural evolution. The Pixel 2 is a kind of technology-oriented showcase for the future ... And this is achieved by integrating the USB Type-C, which is capable of handling a large number of connections (Audio, charging, transferring files). This connectivity would also offer more advanced functionalities, notably with regard to the reading controls or the information returned to the headphones or audio devices (images, information on the titles, etc.).
Related: Google Pixel 2: No 18: 9 ratio display and no dual photo sensor
Another point is the need to reconcile connectivity with the new aesthetic standards of smartphones, notably in the case of borderless screens and ultra-thin terminals. But the Pixel 2 does not offer a borderless screen ...
The question of the place occupied by the module Jack is also a decision factor at Google.
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