iPhone X: what manufacturing cost for the iPhone to 1000 €? MaJ

The iPhone X, newcomer in the range, will be marketed from $ 1000 / € 1159 within a few weeks and already, the first estimates of the cost of components and assembly are beginning to emerge.

The iPhone X is a concentrate of technologies integrating several innovations compared to the previous models, with its OLED display covering almost the whole front, its sensors to constitute 3D face rendering for facial recognition and animojis or its recharging without thread.

As an exceptional model celebrating the 10 years of the series, it will be positioned at the top of the price range of the iPhone range, with a price starting at 999 dollars or 1159 €.

Related: iPhone 8 and 8 Plus: batteries with smaller capacity than the iPhone 7 

But what is the cost of all its components and assembly, corresponding to the BOM (Bill of Materials), excluding logistics, marketing, licensing and transport costs?

A first estimate produced in China establishes this cost of the BOM at 412.75 dollars, or about 345 €. It would be logically higher than the approximately $ 300 estimated for the iPhone 7, although it remains difficult to compare these values ​​from one study firm to another and that we must keep a certain distance from prices estimated prices negotiated by Apple with its suppliers remaining in the area of ​​commercial secrecy.

Not surprisingly, the most expensive component would be the 5.8-inch OLED display provided by Samsung, valued here at about $ 80, while the SoC Apple A11 Bionic etched in 10 nm at TSMC is estimated at $ 26.

Related: Samsung is also very pleased with the launch of the iPhone X 

The 3D sensor is valued at $ 25, and the photo module itself at $ 33. The 4G modems would cost 18 dollars and the battery 9 dollars.

MaJ 13:30: The Wall Street Journal evokes another estimate for the BOM of the iPhone X of 581 dollars, provided by Susquehanna International Group, which would represent a sharp increase compared to the 248 dollars of the BOM of the iPhone 7 , and suggesting reduced margins on this model.

Source : Myfixguide 

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