Facebook: a snooze button to hold friends

For the control of the newswire, the social network Facebook tests a Snooze button to stop following people, Pages and groups temporarily.

 Do not track people, Pages or groups. This possibility to better control what appears in the Facebook news feed is not sufficient. The social network tests a snooze button that will be less radical than breaking a friendship (in the Facebook sense of the term).

For a period of 24 hours, a week or a month, this button will stop tracking them. This applies to friends, as well as Pages and groups. A kind of temporary deactivation that will clarify the news.

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If a Facebook friend begins to become annoying ... the Snooze button will be a solution to mute it without breaking the connection with it. Spotted by TechCrunch, the feature was confirmed by Facebook.

As usual, and before any deployment of large scale for its 2.01 billion users, the social network evokes for the moment a simple test that concerns therefore only a few people.

Related: Facebook sanctioned in Spain for its management of personal data 

"We're testing new ways to give users control over their news feed so they can stay in touch with the topics they find most relevant," a Facebook spokeswoman said.

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