Nintendo Switch: a complaint attacks the design of detachable controllers

The Nintendo group is attacked by the manufacturer of Gamevice accessories for patent infringement on the detachable controllers of the Switch console.

 Nintendo's Switch Console stands out for its design that makes it both a home console and a handheld console with detachable joysticks.

This trick is however the subject of a complaint by the manufacturer of mobile accessories Gamevice which affirms that Nintendo exploits without authorization one of its patents for the Joy-Cons controllers.

The design of the sliding joysticks would follow the same principle as its own Gamevice accessory to transform a tablet into a portable game console with joystick and buttons.

Un brevet avait été obtenu en 2015 auprès de l'USPTO, soit un an avant le lancement de la Switch, et c'est lui qui fait désormais l'objet d'une plainte auprès d'une cour de Californie, avec à la clé des dommages et intérêts (non précisés) et une injonction pour cesser la fabrication et la commercialisation de la Switch.

Source : CNBC

  Related: Nintendo Switch: soon PC games

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