Microsoft Surface: Consumer Reports no longer controls them because of their fragility

Consumer Reports is withdrawing its recommendation for Surface products from Microsoft, accusing them of lacking reliability, which the Redmond group disputes.

Affirming having surveyed 90,000 owners of electronic devices among its subscribers, the Consumer Reports association has seen data from the fact that a quarter of the owners of Surface products regularly encountered problems of operation towards the end of the second year of possession.

 So there would be a problem of reliability of the Surface products of Microsoft? The association has in any case decided to withdraw its recommendation on several series of Surface: Surface Pro, Surface Laptop and Surface Book.

The problems regularly encountered concern a malfunction of the gel type of the interface of the device, untimely shutdown or even a bad reactivity of the tactile displays.

Microsoft challenged the findings of this consumer survey by stating that the rates of return of Surface products are not in line with the claims of Consumer Reports.

However, Microsoft's entry into these segments is recent, with products that are more a reference to set the example for the rest of the ecosystem than products truly thought for massive mass distribution, which can make its Products more sensitive to the traditional youthful defects of the young series.

Source : Business Insider 


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