Tesla Semi: Autonomous heavyweights tested in Nevada

Tesla is also working on stand-alone truck driving and wants to test its technologies as well as a prototype in Nevada.

image via: electrek
The electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla is preparing the arrival of the autonomous driving in its cars Model S, X and 3 but it also works on electric and autonomous heavy vehicles.

The Tesla Semi project is expected to be completed by the end of the decade. Until now, the manufacturer has mainly focused on the performance of electric motorization but there will obviously also be an autonomous driving.

And it could be quite advanced. Reuters reports that Tesla has applied for tests at the Nevada Transport Authority, with the possibility of testing the first prototypes in the near future.

The idea is to create a system whereby a fleet of heavy goods vehicles could follow a leading vehicle on the main axes and form a semi-automated convoy. Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, is expected to tell more about the different aspects of his project Tesla Semi during the month of September.

It will thus join several companies working on autonomous truck driving systems, with the idea that they will be simpler to set up than in vehicles due to less complex situations to be managed on major roads by Urban traffic.

In an email to the Nevada Transport Authority in June, Tesla mentioned the possibility of testing two prototypes, in convoy and in autonomous mode, without drivers on board. But no date has yet been announced for such trials.

Source : Reuters 

Related:  Tesla Model 3: an annual demand of more than 700,000 units and a rising average tariff 

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