Instagram: a bug exploited to get data from celebrities

One or more individuals have taken advantage of a bug in an Instagram API to gain access to email addresses and celebrity phone numbers.

In an email addressed to the verified profiles, Instagram states that it has found that one or more individuals have obtained unauthorized access to contact information from "prominent users." In particular, email addresses and phone numbers.

Instagram refers to the exploitation of a bug affecting an API and not the social network sharing photos and video itself. There would have been no unauthorized access to account passwords. At the same time, Instagram instructs message recipients to enhance their account security by enabling two-factor authentication.

A priori, it is the accounts of some celebrities that have been targeted but Instagram does not go into details. If this bug has been corrected, the advice for adding an additional layer of protection with two-factor authentication is valid for everyone.
The information on this mysterious bug intervenes while the most followed account on Instagram (except @instagram account) was the victim of a diversion. It is the account of the singer Selena Gomez with more than 125 million subscribers.

Pictures of singer Justin Bieber nude (already released in 2015, Variety) were published on the account of her former companion. The unexpected publication was quickly removed with the restoration of account control.

One possible hypothesis is that following Selena Gomez's contact information (thanks to the famous API bug), they were used to gain access to account control through social engineering Interested in disclosing identifiers.

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