NASA spotlights flashes on Earth from space

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NASA has just solved a mystery that had been unexplained for more than 20 years: flashes spotted on Earth from space.

 Carl Sagan had already noticed some strange flashes on Earth thanks to the Galileo spacecraft in 1993. Since then, observation has given rise to many assumptions: first of all, NASA had assumed that it was the reflection of the sun on lands Water, etc. It was subsequently proved that there was no lake or extent in the areas observed.

Between June 2015 and August 2016, NASA detected 866 of these intense flashes emitted from Earth. Data much more dense than the previous ones which made it possible to demonstrate that these flashes intervened well in the lands and not only in the oceans or in the vicinity of the water points.

 By recreating the data with those recovered by Galileo, the researchers proceeded by elimination and determined that according to the angle of the probe and the incidence between the sun and the Earth, it was the sun that produced these reflections and not The lightning. But then how can these reflections be as powerful without a body of water being at work?

Using the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) telescope, the researchers realized that it was water that produced these reflections, but water in the form of droplets suspended in the atmosphere, Located between 5 to 8 km of altitude.

Specifically, these are ice crystals forming cirrus that produce as a mirror and reflect the sun causing kinds of very intense bright flashes towards space.


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