Cassini: the plunge between Saturn and his rings in video

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An accelerated video traces the first flight of the Cassini spacecraft in space between the planet Saturn and its rings.

On April 26, Cassini made the first of his 22 dives in the space between the planet Saturn and his famous rings. A series of orbits every six days that marks the beginning of the "grand finale" - as Nasa says - for this space probe.

Launched in October 1997, the Cassini spacecraft orbited Saturn in 2004. After so many years exploring the second giant giant of our solar system, its rings and its moons, everything will end almost dramatically September 15 with a dive into the upper atmosphere of Saturn for ultimate analysis and destruction of Cassini under the effect of friction forces.

The US space agency has posted an accelerated video that compiles an hour of observations during the first passage of April 22 in the unexplored space of 2,400 km wide. The Cassini probe has gone from an altitude of 72,400 km to 6,700 km above the clouds of Saturn. The first image is centered on the north pole and its vortex.

For a better understanding, Nasa added two sequences. An animation shows the position of Cassini and the orientation above Saturn. The other sequence is with a Saturn image in reference and a red dot that indicates the location of each Cassini image in the video.

Towards the end of the video, the orientation of the frame is changed. It is in connection with the fact that Cassini has adjusted its orientation to point its large antenna in the direction of the movement and act as measure of protection against the small particles of the rings.

Below, a video about the adventure of Cassini and his "grand finale":

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