Cyber-crime victims during this period will lose between $ 50 and $ 5,000 per incident.

Expert Opinion by Mark Thomas at Dimension DataConsumers planning to shop online for Christmas are at risk of losing between $ 50 and $ 5,000 per incident. Indeed, the holiday season is also a period during which cybercriminals around the world rush to fill their own "little shoes".
With the growing multi-equipment of customers (mobile phones, tablets, laptops or desktops), online commerce is becoming more and more accessible and convenient. Adding the availability of broadband in a growing number of countries, it is not surprising that 2017 promises to be the worst year to date in cyber incidents over the holiday season.
According to a Barclays study, more than a quarter of all cyber scams in the UK occur around Christmas, while ThreatMetrix predicts 50 million cyberattacks globally during the 2017 holiday season. with a strong financial outlook and a high rate of mobile adoption in particular, are among the most likely to be targeted. Meanwhile, a quarterly threat watch report released last week by NTT Security reveals that worldwide phishing attacks have increased by an alarming 74% in the third quarter of 2017.
Mark Thomas, Head of Dimension Data Security Strategy, comments: "In the next six weeks we will see an upsurge in phishing email campaigns, ransomware attacks, banking Trojan horses, and the appearance of fraudulent websites promoting special offers, such as discounts on holiday stays. Fraudulent gift cards, which may drive you to an unsecured site or trigger the download of a file that may infect your computer will also spread. "
On the holiday menu, cybercriminals have also planned false delivery notifications to make you click on malicious links, unsolicited e-mails full of special offers or fake online shopping receipts inviting you to open attachments that actually contain a ransomware.
What cyber criminals are looking for
According to Mark Thomas, cybercriminals are looking for two things. On the one hand, credit card numbers to access accounts and empty them. On the other hand, they target personal information (usernames, passwords, sites frequented regularly ...). "If a cybercriminal can access your credentials, he can use it to steal your identity on multiple sites and online platforms. "
The role of businesses, traders and parentsCompanies need to educate employees who connect to their network so they remain vigilant during the holiday season. "Multifactor authentication for access to enterprise systems is another step in the fight against cybercriminals, making it more difficult to steal credentials," said Mark Thomas, pointing out that merchants, in particular, need to be on their guards because cybercriminals seek to take advantage of them during the high season.
Children, seniors and other relatives who are not Internet experts need to be sensitized and protected to prevent them from becoming victims of cybercriminals. "Today, mobile phones can have parental control systems similar to those on TVs. Most smartphones include an automatic verification feature that only allows application downloads from trusted sources. "
Some recommendations for the safety of online shopping
- Never use public Wi-Fi access to shop online.
- Never open e-mails, links, or attachments from unknown senders.
- Be sure to only download genuine applications from known and reliable sources.
- Never communicate to third parties usernames, passwords or other personal information.
- Use a password management system to keep and manage all your credentials securely in one place.
- Be wary of unsolicited emails promising attractive offers and not opening their attachments.
- Check the presence of the lock icon in the address bar of the browser to confirm the encryption of the information transmitted, guaranteeing that the merchant site used is secure and trustworthy.
- Use a debit card rather than immediate and not memorize his number on the site.
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