Direct: Instagram launches its own mail

All means are good to compete with Snapchat: Instagram has launched Direct, its own private messaging that is largely inspired by the competition.

Facebook is still digesting badly the purchase of Snapchat, and continues to copy the messaging to try to seduce users. And since the social network does not necessarily succeed with Whatsapp, it now multiplies services ...

Related: Instagram: Stories share in Direct  

Thus is launched Direct, a private messaging offered on Instagram and which is very openly inspired by Snapchat. In the testing phase, messaging is not accessible to all Instagram users at the moment especially as only certain countries will be targeted at first: Chile, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Portugal and Uruguay, or countries in which Instagram is particularly popular.

Related: Instagram: Stories on the Web version  

The messaging plays the card of the separation of the services: once downloaded, the discussions will be done only on this one and the thread of private discussion will disappear of Instagram. Several features are at the rendezvous such as sharing photos and videos as well as monitoring the activity of contacts.

It remains to be seen if this new messaging will find its audience, the market being close to saturation at this level even if the public seems to remain very volatile and quick to change according to trends.

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