For its fixed and mobile customers, Bouygues Telecom is opening a free TV channel with a limited lifespan, which will include the first episodes of HBO series with OCS.
From December 22nd from 9pm to 7 January, Bouygues Telecom's customers will have free access to the Bbox channel 28 and via the mobile application to an ephemeral channel called Happy Noël TV. On the application, the data consumption will not be deducted from the mobile plan envelope.
The channel's programming is focused on family content in order to stick to the end of year period. On December 24 and 25, it will be for example a program entirely dedicated to Disney Channel.
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Canal J, Boing, Toonami, Boomerang, Tiji or Manga will bring their contribution with cartoons, while there will also be music for New Year's Eve.
The year 2018 will begin with a first week giving pride of place to the series with OCS, and thus the series of HBO. This will be the broadcast of the first episodes of series like Game of Thrones.
The contents to expect with Happy Christmas TV are listed on this page. Remember that SFR also puts television in the spotlight for this end of the year with a clearing of several channels until January 14.
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