MAMR Technology: Western Digital Wants 100TB HDDs by 2032

Western Digital recently announced that MAMR technology could allow some technical limitations that limit the storage capacity of current HDDs to rise, with the goal of offering up to 100TB in a 3.5 "hard drive.

While Western Digital announced, through its subsidiary HGST, 14TB in a 3.5-inch HDD last week, the group has just announced that they will be using MAMR technology in the future, to 40TB in 2025 and 100TB in the early 2030s.

 The MAMR technology should be adopted within two years by Western Digital. Easy to fit on mechanical hard disks, it will integrate on the stacking system of turntables equipped with reading heads.

The MAMR (Microwave assisted magnetic recording) is based on the creation of an oscillating magnetic field which should make it possible to multiply the precision of reading and writing by 4. It would thus be possible to increase the density of data written on a disk since the precision will allow to avoid mistakes. Western Digital evokes a targeted density at 4 Tbits per square inch.

Western Digital is expected to deliver its first MAMR HDDs next year. Note that at Seagate, we chose a competing technology called HAMR which relies on the use of a laser.

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