The best imagery of a star other than the Sun

The most detailed images to date of a supergiant red. Antares is about to explode in supernova.

image @youtube European Southern Observatory (ESO)
 For the European Southern Observatory (ESO), it is "the best image acquired to date of the surface and the atmosphere of a star." Our yellow dwarf, the Sun competition, it is Antares.

This red supergiant at the end of life is located at 550 light-years from Earth. She is the brightest star in the Scorpion constellation. At present, its mass represents almost 12 solar masses. On the verge of becoming a supernova, Antares is 700 times larger than the Sun.

In Chile, telescopes have been associated by interferometry to form an infrared image equivalent to that of a virtual telescope with a single mirror 200 meters in diameter.

 "The process responsible for the rapid loss of mass of end-of-life stars like Antares has remained misunderstood for more than half a century," writes Keiichi Ohnaka of the Northern Catholic University in Chile.

He adds that ESO's Very Large Telescope interferometer is "the only instrument allowing us to directly measure the gas movements within Antares' extended atmosphere."


The origin of the turbulent gas in the outer atmosphere of the star remains unexplained.

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