SFR recalls its boxes victims of a critical flaw

The SFR operator recently announced that it would like to recover some of its Internet boxes following the discovery of a flaw in WPS authentication.


SFR will thus recall all of its boxes Neufbox V4 and V6 after the discovery passed unnoticed several weeks ago of a flaw in the WPS protocol used to secure Wi-Fi networks.

A flaw is thus related to these boxes distributed between 2007 and 2010 which allows hackers to get to the Internet box despite a WPS secure. The fault in question does not concern only the boxes of SFR. Orange, also concerned with the problem had reacted quickly by deploying a hotfix.

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At SFR, the solution is more radical: instead of a software patch, the operator has chosen to beat the recall of the affected boxes. It should be said that according to the latter, only 400 customers would be concerned. One way no doubt to try to apologize for never having communicated on the flaw before the case turns into mini scandal. Neither SFR nor Orange had contacted their customers to advise them to disable the WPS authentication of their box and thus avoid the exploitation of the fault.

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