Massive data leak: Yahoo users can sue Yahoo

After the large leaked data revealed late, a California court considers that users can sue Yahoo in class action.

 Last week, Judge Lucy Koh of the San Jose Court in California estimated that a dozen users could sue Yahoo in class action for one of the biggest data leaks in history.More precisely, data leaks that occurred between 2013 and 2016, and affected more than one billion users. In a context of redemption by Verizon, Yahoo has delayed to disclose these leaks. The first was thus revealed only three years after the events.

 Related:  Cyber attack against Yahoo: Russia denies any involvement

The judge indicated (Reuters) that the complainants mentioned "a risk of theft of their identity", in addition to "loss of the value of their personal identification data." She also pointed out that if Yahoo had alerted more quickly to subject of the leaks, users would have been able to defend themselves by changing their passwords.

In this piracy case, the US authorities have charged four men including two Russian intelligence officers who allegedly hired two cybercriminals. One of these alleged cybercriminals pleaded not guilty last month.

In this piracy case, the US authorities have charged four men including two Russian intelligence officers who allegedly hired two cybercriminals. One of these alleged cybercriminals pleaded not guilty last month.

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