Google: the price comparator display at auction?

A Google proposal would be a bidding system to display the results of competing price comparators.
Without this time the first place.

 Google is challenging its fine of 2.42 billion euros imposed by the European Commission for abuse of dominant position with its search engine, and favoring its own price comparison service (Google Shopping).

However, this appeal is not suspensive and the subsidiary of Alphabet had to present solutions to remedy the anti-competitive practices denounced. They must be implemented by 28 September in order to avoid daily penalties.

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According to Reuters, Alphabet proposes to "display the results of its competitors' price comparers via a bidding system." Competitors could then offer a product offer at any position in the Product Listings Ads section which appears at the top of the results page when a user searches for products.

The idea is not new. It had already been rejected in an earlier attempt at conciliation, but at the time Google reserved the first two positions. Recall that the European Commission insists that Google must "respect the mere principle of equal treatment between competing price comparison services and its own service."

 If there is progress in this direction with such a proposal, the British price comparator Foundem sees only a resuit of a solution already rejected several times, and shows its hostility to a system of auctions which would be piped as long as Google does not split its general and specialized research activities.

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