Facebook: a button to make a charitable donation

Facebook charity tools are coming to France. First a test before applying fees to participating nonprofit organizations.

After the United States, Facebook's charitable donation tools arrive in Europe and France. A test phase will begin on 25 September. For France, the first partner associations are the Fondation de France, Les Restos du Cœur, Unicef ​​and Action contre la Faim.

Other associations may register on this page where it is specified that registered charities pay a fee of 5%. "Of these costs, 3.5% are used to cover the costs of non-profit organization verification, fraud prevention, operations and payment assistance. The 1.5% to cover the costs of processing payments. "

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 Until 29 October, which will mark the end of the test period, the fees will be canceled for donations made to European associations.

In the middle of the device, a button "Donate" to find in the banners of Facebook pages, posts but also the live videos for the participating associations. A tool also allows users to raise funds for associations with dedicated pages. On their birthday, they can encourage their friends on Facebook to make a donation.

"The charity donation tools, already available in the United States, have raised millions of euros, directly on Facebook, for associations. They are used following natural disasters, but also to support education, environment and many other causes, Facebook writes.

 Related:Facebook sanctioned in Spain for its management of personal data 

The idea of these tools of donation on Facebook would have been born during the Ice Bucket Challenge which had spread on the social networks in summer 2014.

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