5G: the first smartphones available as of 2019, already promises Qualcomm

The 5G will not officially begin until 2020 but some markets could launch commercial offers as early as 2019. And the compatible smartphones will already be available by that date, assures the CEO of Qualcomm.

 Officially, much remains to be done before we can offer commercial 5G mobile networks, between finalization of standards and experiments to test reliability and consistency with expectations.

As for previous generations, some operators want to go faster than this general tempo and promise the first commercial launches as of 2019.

However, this will require network equipment but also compatible smartphones by that date. For Qualcomm CEO Steven Mollenkopf, the first commercial mobile devices will be available by 2019.

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This declaration, at the bend of the Frankfurt Motor Show, where there is already much talk about connected and autonomous vehicles that will require large data exchanges, reported by Reuters, concerns first the United States and some Asian markets, but it testifies to the rapid progress of the work.

Chip designers and OEMs are working on test platforms without waiting for the finalization of 5G technologies. The equipment is in fact updated and complemented with advances and decisions, allowing to stick to the last technical choices and to test them immediately.

With this process, the core network, antennas and 5G mobile devices could be available before the 2020 reference date for the most hurried operators to launch a commercial 5G network.

As with previous generations, the first to start can hope to capture the bulk of the market before their competitors and then dictate their business strategy, representing a significant competitive advantage.

Source : Reuters

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