Watch: Facebook introduces its original video platform

Object of curiosity for the moment cantoned overseas, tab and video Watch platform of the social network Facebook.

As part of its development as a video platform, Facebook introduces a Watch tab. However, deployment is currently limited to the United States and for a limited number of users with computer, mobile and television applications.

The social network already formalizes partnerships with creators for content, and original programs, whether live or deferred. The goal will obviously be to increase advertising revenues and keep captive users on the social network.

Mark Zuckerberg boasts with Watch a place to discover shows that friends watch and "follow his favorite shows and creators." It will be possible to chat during an episode, joining groups of people who like the same content.

The boss and founder of Facebook adds that he hopes that Watch will host a wide range of programs, from "reality TV to comedy and live sports." All videos will however not be the work of professional creators.

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