NFC payment up in France, but not on mobile

The contactless payment exploiting NFC technology explodes in France, but the mobile is not yet really concerned.

 The contactless payment using the NFC has been presented by banks for several years as a simpler way to make purchases. And the message has obviously been heard by the millions of French people who are increasingly using it regularly.

Despite everything, if the sector is strong, it is mainly due to the diffusion of new generations of bank cards, the mobile remains little concerned by this method of payment.

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 Thus, while NFC payments have increased significantly in France, it is mainly because the active bank card portfolio consists of 66% of cards with an NFC module. At the same time, 40% of merchants are equipped with NFC-compatible payment terminals.

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According to the Groupement des Cartes Bancaires CB, last July saw a 112% increase in contactless payments over the year to 108 million transactions. The progression is important since the figure would double every three months. In 2016 alone, the total amount of contactless transactions amounted to 6.2 billion euros, so let's not forget that contactless payment is only valid for purchases under 20 € Ceiling to be raised to 30 € with the next bank cards issued).

If the NFC shines on the side of bank cards, mobile payment systems like Apple Pay or Android Pay are not housed in the same way. While 82% of NFC bank card holders reported having used it at least once, only 6% had tested NFC payment from their smartphone in a study conducted by Harris Interactive late last year.

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