Malware Linux: a Russian sentenced to 46 months in prison

After pleading guilty in March, a Russian citizen was sentenced in the United States to 46 months in prison for his involvement in a botnet with Ebury malware.

At the age of 41, an individual of Russian nationality has just been sentenced to 46 months in prison in the United States. Last March, Maxim Senakh pleaded guilty for his role in creating the Ebury malware and administering a botnet.
The man was indicted in January 2015 and then arrested in Finland from where he was extradited to the United States in February 2016.

Related:   United States: Russian hacker sentenced to 27 years in prison 

 "By working in a massive criminal enterprise, Maxim Senakh has helped create a sophisticated infrastructure that has resulted in thousands of Internet casualties in the world," writes an American prosecutor.
The United States Department of Justice reports that Ebury allowed the creation of a botnet of tens of thousands of infected servers by retrieving login credentials. This botnet was used to generate and redirect traffic for spam and click fraud.

Ebury basically targeted Linux servers. The malware has been qualified as SSH rootkit or ESET backdoor OpenSSH by referring to the installation of a backdoor in the OpenSSH command. At issue, poor server configurations and lack of due diligence in security checks.

The name of Ebury is known to the extent that he was involved in compromising servers in 2011. A case unrelated to the case of Maxim Senakh. Once he is sentenced to prison, he will be deported from the United States.

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