HBO Piracy: Mr. Smith asks for ransom in bitcoins

The group that claims piracy from the American HBO channel says it expects a kind of compensation for its work. For at least $ 6 million. Otherwise, the leaks will continue.

Image: HBO
 The piracy of the American HBO chain still has many areas of shadow with a manifest desire for media coverage on the part of its authors. In full circulation of the penultimate season of the series of successes Game of Thrones, they benefit all the more from a buzz effect.

With the pseudonym of Mr. Smith, the group of pirates has posted new files stolen from HBO. The Associated Press reported drafts of five GoT episodes, including one unreleased, as well as one month of emails from an HBO official's account.

This is the second publication of its kind, while the US channel has recognized a "cyberincident" but has amply weighted its scope, specifying in particular that its messaging system was not compromised as a whole. At least a priori.

The group Mr. Smith claims the opposite and ensures to hold much more than what has for the moment leaked. His piracy would have required six months of work ... and all work deserves salary from his point of view. A salary that is more exactly a ransom in bitcoins of an amount equivalent to nearly $ 6 million.

The hackers claim to have spent half a million dollars a year in the purchase of 0-day exploits to penetrate the HBO network that would be its 17th target. Only three would have refused to pay a ransom to avoid a continuation of leaks.

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