components of car ventilation system

car ventilation system

 Many of the equipment involved in the operation of the vehicle are used solely for the comfort of the user. But some of this equipment, such as the ventilation system, does not only fulfill a cosmetic or useful role solely for the comfort and well-being of the driver, and this despite the fact that it contributes greatly to it.


via @knowledgehub


 The components of the ventilation system 

The ventilation system and the technical checks of the driving license  


 The components of the ventilation system 

If all vehicles do not necessarily have an air conditioning system, they are all equipped with a ventilation system, which also makes it possible to heat the interior of the vehicle. The implementation of a ventilation system in automobiles is mandatory to ensure the well-being of drivers. Indeed, cars being, with the exception of convertible or sunroof models, huge airtight metal containers, the absence of air renewal inside the passenger compartment, but also the presence of gas exhaust and other traffic residues, could represent a health hazard to users. The ventilation system is therefore not only a piece of comfort equipment thanks to heating and air conditioning, which are very practical during periods of extreme cold or very hot weather, but also makes it possible to participate in keeping the user in good health thanks to the renewal of Ambiant air.



 If the ventilation system does not really cool the ambient air of the vehicle, it does allow it to be evacuated and renewed, thus lowering the levels of Co2 and other gases released by the occupants when they exhale. However, if the addition of an ambient air circulation and renewal system is necessary for the user, this system is not free from defects. Indeed, due to the low efficiency of the filtration systems included in the vents and other air outlets present in the passenger compartment, users driving behind certain very polluting vehicles or in a tunnel may feel their passenger compartment filling up with fine particles. and nitrogen oxide, which can cause various deteriorations in health, particularly among fragile users.


via @autoowls

 La climatisation possède certains désavantages.Si elle oblige une certaine surconsommation d’énergie pour pouvoir fonctionner, elle comprend également certains composés fortement polluants, comme les gaz réfrigérant utilisés.

L'écart de température entre l'extérieur et l'intérieur ne doit pas dépasser 5°C. Cela augmente la consommation de carburant et les émissions de gaz carbonique. Lors de fortes chaleur, il est conseillé de stationner à l'ombre, d'aérer le véhicule avant d'allumer la clim.


via @audiocoustics


 The automobile heating system is a great help for motorists, especially in winter during periods of frost or extreme cold. To operate, the heating recovers water from the engine's cooling circuit to reach the ventilation level and perform a heat exchange there with the ambient air, before being discharged into the passenger compartment by the fans. .


 The ventilation system and the technical checks of the driving license  

On the day of the driving license, the inspector may ask the candidate, among the questions of the mandatory interior and exterior checks, to activate the heating and put it on the “cold air” or “hot air” function. In another question, the driver's license inspector may ask the candidate to show him which control allows the regulation of the speed of the air fan of the vehicle in which he is taking his examination.


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