Tesla: no need for LiDAR sensor for autonomous car

In contrast to other industrial approaches, Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, believes that LiDAR-type laser sensors are not necessary for autonomous vehicles.

While Waymo (Alphabet / Google) and Uber are torn around plans for a LiDAR sensor that can be used to democratize the autonomous car in the automotive industry soon, the manufacturer Tesla chose to take a completely different path and continues to think that it is desirable to do otherwise.

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Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, reiterated his disinterest in LiDAR technologies in the arsenal of sensors to bring his electric vehicles to full autonomous driving.

For its Autopilot system, the manufacturer rather put on the set composed by a battery of cameras analyzing the elements at 360 degrees thanks to artificial intelligence and neural networks, and a radar that allows to see beyond the immediately visible obstacles , making it possible to anticipate a slowdown or an accident before even "seeing" it, as well as by ultrasonic sensors for proximity detection.

For Elon Musk, the LiDAR is more of a "crutch" that the car industry will sooner or later happen, finding it too expensive, ugly and not necessarily necessary, especially if you want to ensure self-driving by any type of weather.

However, this view is debated in the industry and the majority of companies involved in the development of autonomous driving hardware solutions use LiDAR to get a detailed view of the near-vehicle environment, rather than camera systems. requiring heavy processing of the collected images to interpret them.

It should be noted that optimized treatment solutions, such as the one being developed in French Chronocam and that works in the manner of the human eye, limiting the treatment to what moves in the field of vision, could support the views of 'Elon Musk.

Source : TechCrunch 

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