Google: three new submarine cable projects, conquering data streams

The giant Google is preparing the installation of three new optical fiber submarine cables that constitute the new Eldorado of high-tech groups to increase access to their cloud services.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook and other high-tech groups have increased the number of new fiber optic submarine cable projects in recent years to create new information highways with portions reserved for them. the needs of their cloud services.

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It is a real arms race that is committed between the large multinationals to deploy and control these cables connecting the continents and Google intends to gain the upper hand over its competitors by providing for the creation of three new submarine cables by 2019: Curie Cable (from California to Chile), Havfrue Cable (from the East Coast of the United States to Denmark) and HK-G Cable (from Hong Kong to Guam, relay to Australia and China). Other cables, more or less important, will also be operational by next year.

 In addition to the protection offered by a redundant network whose flows can be redirected in the event of a break in access to one of the cables, it is also necessary to create new paths to its servers and to allow wider access to its cloud services.

These own-owned cables also make it possible to dispense with the intermediaries that the telecom operators are and to manage the flows directly according to their needs.

The initial investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is heavy, but it is worth it compared to the multi-billion dollar opportunities in the cloud. It must also allow not to be outdistanced by the two current leaders of the cloud, namely Amazon and Microsoft groups.

Source : Wall Street Journal 

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