Facebook: Advertising revenue will be counted locally

While pressure is mounting on the European side, Facebook is announcing the upcoming change for the recording of its advertising revenues.

 Currently, Facebook's advertising revenue is recorded by its international headquarters in dublin, Ireland. The CFO announces a change that will be implemented in 2018 and is expected to be fully operational in the first half of 2019.

Dave Wehner talks about a move to a local sales structure in countries where Facebook has a sales office. Advertising revenue will thus be counted locally, and no longer solely allocated to headquarters in dublin.

"We believe this will provide more transparency for governments and policymakers around the world who want greater visibility for revenues associated with local sales in their countries."


 The Facebook official added that the headquarters of Menlo Park in California will continue to be the US headquarters, and Dublin will remain the headquarters for the international.

 Related:Facebook opens a sound bank 

The announcement of Mark Zuckerberg's group comes as Europe seeks new ways to tax technology giants like Facebook, and to fight against their tax optimization practices.

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