The Samsung group has reported its quarterly figures and the situation is in good shape with a record operating profit at stake.
This is news that should reassure the shareholders of Samsung while the heir to the group was sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption in August, damaging the reputation of the company at the same time and weighing the spectrum blocking Samsung's activities.
The South Korean giant has shared its quarterly figures, and announced an operating profit of 12.92 billion dollars and a turnover of 55.18 billion, an increase of 30% over the year . The situation is all the more impressive as the group had faced great difficulties with the failure of its Galaxy Note 7.
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Samsung points to a success primarily guaranteed by the "rising demand for high-performance server memory chipsets and high-end mobile devices." Clearly, Samsung has especially made its figure on the components since at the same time, the mobile division of the group shows a slight withdrawal in terms of profits.
Related: Vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que Galaxy Note 7 remis en état soit lancé en Corée tous les jours, selon la presse locale
In the quarter, it was the entry and mid-range terminals that mostly generated the most revenue in mobile for Samsung with sales up, but profits down slightly.
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