Facebook asks for intimate photos to avoid porn revenge

As part of a pilot test, Facebook proposes to generate digital fingerprints of intimate photos in order to avoid their publication without the consent of the person concerned.

In order to combat this practice (steps have already been taken), Facebook is conducting an amazing test in Australia. In partnership with a government agency, it is proposed to Internet users to send themselves their naked photos.

"If you're worried that your intimate photos might end up on Intagram or Facebook, you can get in touch with the e-Safety Commissioner and they could tell you to send the images to you on Messenger," writes the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

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The procedure is framed. The general idea is to allow Facebook to generate a digital thumbprint of photos. These are not stored. With digital fingerprints, a malicious person will not be able to put the corresponding photos online.

Obvious limits appear. It is not sure that a hypothetical victim of revenge porn is herself in possession of the photos intimate. In addition, to be effective, the preventive and proactive measure can not only be limited to the Facebook ecosystem.

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