Smartphone: data consumption passes phone calls

If the last offensive date of mobile phone operators is on the level of the allocated data envelope, it is because telephony is no longer the main function used on our smartphones.

According to the latest figures provided by ARCEP, consumption on mobile has just passed a cap. For the first time in history, data consumption exceeds that of telephony.

In short, now we spend more time surfing the Internet from our smartphone than making phone calls, which requires operators to adjust their networks and modify their offerings to meet these new uses.

According to the latest ARCEP observatory, data consumption has literally exploded in recent months. On average, the French consume 4.7 GB of data per month. The consumption of data 4G thus represents 90% of the data traffic on all the mobile networks.

This trend was propelled by the operators' offers, increasingly generous in envelope Data, and this under the impetus of Free which already integrated a comfortable envelope in 4G with its most high-end package, and which later announced 4G unlimited without surcharge. Since then, operators have revised their offerings by offering more and more generous and even unlimited data envelopes.

At the same time, telephone calls posted a decline, the first since 2009 to show 41.3 billion minutes consumed in the month, 0.3% less in volume over the month. The average duration of a call is now 3:17, 5 minutes less than the previous year.

The SMS also posted a decline of 8.6% over the year, replaced by instant messaging allowing more freedom in sharing content.

Source : Arcep (document PDF)

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