Scotland will no longer sell gasoline or diesel vehicles by 2032

Scotland gives itself 15 years to stop the sale of new gasoline or diesel vehicles for the benefit of cars without polluting emissions.

 France and the United Kingdom have given until 2040 to stop the sale of new gasoline or diesel vehicles and to promote that of vehicles without polluting emissions, such as electric vehicles.

On the Scottish side, the timetable will be even tighter since it is the deadline of 2032 that has just been decided. At the same time, massive deployment projects will be put in place, as well as initiatives to promote the deployment of electric vehicles.

Scotland wants to move ahead eight years faster than Britain on the issue of migration to emission-free vehicles to improve air quality and reduce health impacts on the population.

The objective is also to achieve the goal of eliminating virtually all road-polluting vehicles by 2050. Most car manufacturers are now engaged in an evolution of their ranges to integrate more and more electric vehicles in the coming years.

Some, such as Volvo, are already announcing that they will only offer electric or hybrid vehicles by 2019, while even the most reluctant luxury brands are switching to the electric vehicle era.

Source : The Independant

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