Samsung Galaxy S9: launching in January 2018?

The next Galaxy S9 smartphone could be launched very early in 2018, as early as January.

Samsung Galaxy S9. ©
Now that the Galaxy Note 8 has delivered its secrets, the Galaxy S9 becomes the new magnet to rumors, with elements hardly verifiable spreading regularly.

It has murmured that Samsung has started early development of its future smartphone reference in the family Galaxy S and this early work could result in a finalization ahead of the Galaxy S8 as early as January 2018, according to information of the Korean publication The Bell.

  Related:Samsung Galaxy S9: code name Star? 

Will the Korean group take advantage to launch its smartphone early next year or will it benefit to fine-tune the latest details of its smartphone?

In 2017 it was not until the commissioning for the first time of engraving in 10 nm, which caused delays and caused the supply of mobile chips SnapDragon 835 and Exynos 8895 in the second quarter.

 Related: Samsung Galaxy S9: compact SLP circuitry to integrate a larger battery

This constraint should not be repeated for the next generations of SoC's two families and nothing would in principle prevent Samsung from launching its Galaxy S9 very quickly, especially since it is also the producer of future hardware platforms.

Launching the Galaxy S9 early would also short-circuit Apple's iPhone 8 faster, caught between two lights with the Galaxy Note 8 upstream and a new Galaxy S that would appear a few months later ...

Source : SamMobile

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