iOS 11 GM: a leak organized by a disgruntled employee?

The leak of the final version of iOS 11 before it is distributed on compatible mobile devices goes beyond the details of the September 12th presentation. For some observers, it would be the work of an unhappy Apple employee.

iPhone 8: ©2017 .@venyageskin1 (twitter)
For a few days, a lot of details are emerging concerning the new mobile platform iOS 11 and the future iPhone 8/8 Plus and iPhone X, while the official presentation must be made on September 12.

It is that the firmware of the final version of iOS 11 GM could be recovered via URLs direct from Apple. These web addresses were addressed to several media, allowing the study of the source code.

How were these obscure URLs found? For John Gruber, it is certainly not a mistake but rather an intentional leak by one or more employees of Apple who knew of it but whose reasons for the hour are unknown. Discontent vis-à-vis the Cupertino firm? The blogger seems to think so.

Knowing the taste of Apple's secret and the importance of the surprise effect instilled during its keynotes to unveil new features, no doubt that these leaks do not make Apple's business even if they prepare the ground for the official presentation.

Source : Apple Insider

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