Facebook: false accounts to influence the US election

Thousands of advertisements were bought and distributed on false accounts.
Facebook suspects a Russian origin with filigree a way to influence the presidential election in the United States.

 Facebook has discovered that between June 2015 and May 2017, nearly 470 accounts and pages have disseminated in the order of 3,000 advertisements - representing $ 100,000 in advertising purchases - in violation of its usage policy. These false accounts were interlinked and probably administered from Russia.

For the most part, the advertisements concerned and disseminated by the accounts did not explicitly refer to the American presidential election or one of its candidates at the time. It was more about issues like "LGBT rights, racial issues, immigration, weapons."

Facebook evokes accounts and advertisements aimed at "amplifying the effect of social and political messages" that can divide opinion. From grain to grist in the supposed interference of Russia during the last presidential election in the United States.

The social network has taken a series of measures to hunt for misinformation. Recently, the advertising policy has been modified so that pages that repeatedly share news identified as false are no longer allowed to advertise on Facebook.

Related:   Facebook kills its application dedicated to groups

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