Cassini starts its fatal fall towards Saturn

After spending 13 years around Saturn and successfully completing a mission of more than 20 years, the Cassini probe this week begins its ultimate dive towards the gas giant.

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Last week, Cassini operated a maneuver at risk by crossing a 22nd time the rings of Saturn at a distance of 1680 km from the planet. As of today, the probe will exploit the force of gravity of the moon Titan to slow down its race and position for a baroud of honor.

On September 14, the probe will take a few shots of the planet, its moons and rings, before launching to Saturn. The antenna turned towards Earth to return the measurements of its instruments when entering the atmosphere of Saturn, Cassini disappears in the gas giant, putting a definitive end to its mission.

It is the morning of September 15th that the plunge will be initiated, the probe should disintegrate in the atmosphere of Jupiter at midday. The probe was launched on October 15, 1997 and it took him seven years to get close to Saturn. The initial 4-year mission had been extended in 2008, and in 2010, it was able to discover liquid methane lakes and oceans under Titan's ice, geysers on Enceladus and a large number of previously unknown moons.

Related:  Cassini: the plunge between Saturn and his rings in video  

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