IPhone 8: the rumor of the bridle of the modem makes lose Apple to the stock market

The Bloomberg article on the possible bridging of the modem of the iPhone 8 has the effect of a bomb on the stock market of Apple which has been tumbling since Friday and also affects the suppliers.

Konsep iPhone 8. © concepts iPhone @ YouTube

On Friday, Bloomberg broadcast a topic in which he discussed the possible bridging of the modem of the iPhone 8. The version of Qualcomm, more advanced than that of the other Intel provider, could be limited so as to propose a similar experience between The two components.

Users of the iPhone 8 (and the iPhone 7S / 7S Plus) will therefore not be able to take full advantage of the capabilities of the Qualcomm modem which will in theory reach a downward rate of 1 Gbps.

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The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus have also been bridged to balance performance between the Qualcomm and Intel modems, and this is a point of contention between the San Diego and Cupertino In the current patent dispute.

The news, which remains to be confirmed, immediately drove down the price on Apple's stock market, which was nevertheless on an upward trend, raising the price from about $ 155 to less than $ 149.

These are several tens of billions of stock market valuation that have flown, making Apple pass largely under the 800 billion dollars to reach about 750 billion dollars. The suppliers of the firm of Cupertino are also impacted, several of them being in decline.

As usual, Apple is not commented on and is known to not necessarily integrate the latest advances in modems (unlike Samsung), preferring to keep up with the general pace of deployments among operators.


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