Twitter: nearly 55 million tweets exchanged during the presidential campaign

The social network has made its accounts: nearly 55 million tweets related to the French presidential election were broadcast. The first most used hashtag should not surprise you. --- Once again, the Twitter microblogging network has enabled millions of people to express themselves or to relay information, true or false, about the French presidential campaign that saw Emmanuel Macron win the vote. --- The social network announces that 54.8 million tweets were issued between 18 March and 7 May 2017 and lists the most popular hashtags during the presidential election.      📊 54,8 millions de Tweets au sujet de l’élection #présidentielle2017 ont été publiés du 18 mars au 7 mai 2017      — Twitter Politique FR (@TwitterPolFR) 9 mai 2017   In this Top 5, it is #Macron who won the palm, in front #LeGrandDebat who accompanied the television show opposing the two candidates between the two towers.        📈 +60% d'abonnés pour @EmmanuelMacron au cours de la campagne #présidentielle2017      — Twitter Politique FR (@TwitterPolFR) 9 mai 2017   Then come #Presidential2017, # 2017leDebat (still around the same issue) then #Fillon who occupied the twittos during a good part of the presidential campaign.  Twitter also notes that the @EmmanuelMacron account gained 60% more subscribers during the presidential campaign, bringing its total subscribers to nearly 879,000 subscribers, still down from other candidates with more than one Million subscribers.  It is truly from the results of the first round, with the exclusion of the traditional candidates from the right and left, that the account of the new President of the French Republic was mentioned massively, creating several peaks, April 23 (first round ), May 3 (debate between the two candidates) and finally May 7 (second round).

The social network has made its accounts: nearly 55 million tweets related to the French presidential election were broadcast. The first most used hashtag should not surprise you.
Once again, the Twitter microblogging network has enabled millions of people to express themselves or to relay information, true or false, about the French presidential campaign that saw Emmanuel Macron win the vote.
The social network announces that 54.8 million tweets were issued between 18 March and 7 May 2017 and lists the most popular hashtags during the presidential election.

In this Top 5, it is #Macron who won the palm, in front #LeGrandDebat who accompanied the television show opposing the two candidates between the two towers.

 Then come #Presidential2017, # 2017leDebat (still around the same issue) then #Fillon who occupied the twittos during a good part of the presidential campaign.

Twitter also notes that the @EmmanuelMacron account gained 60% more subscribers during the presidential campaign, bringing its total subscribers to nearly 879,000 subscribers, still down from other candidates with more than one Million subscribers.

It is truly from the results of the first round, with the exclusion of the traditional candidates from the right and left, that the account of the new President of the French Republic was mentioned massively, creating several peaks, April 23 (first round ), May 3 (debate between the two candidates) and finally May 7 (second round).


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