The bitcoin beyond the 2000 dollars

Continuing its ascent, the bitcoin has just crossed for the first time the bar of 2000 dollars. But where will he stop?
Even the bad news no longer seems to affect it to the extent that it does not block its expansion, the value of the cryptomony has steadily increased since the beginning of the year until reaching the first predicted symbolic threshold By analysts.   Starting at less than $ 1,000 a year at the beginning of the year, bitcoin grew at an accelerated pace until it reached the $ 2,000 mark, bringing the value of all bitcoins in circulation Market cap) to nearly $ 33 billion.   The few new adversaries had little effect on the value of the price, unlike some events last year that had led to a very rapid and sharp fall in the price, and the value remains driven by hopes for easing financial regulations The use of non-centralized currencies.  For bitcoin is now far from being the only virtual currency on the market and other currencies, such as Ripple, are beginning to make themselves known and to represent significant volumes.   The bitcoin is also affected by the limitations of its own operation, which brings great debates on the re-founding of its bases and the possible creation of a fork.   In the meantime, the price continues to climb, continuing to accumulate value. Some analysts predict that the $ 3,000 mark could be reached this year (and at the current speed of growth, this could go quickly), while in the longer term, values ​​of $ 10,000 are no longer excluded ...   MaJ 13:30: the price of the bitcoin is already at more than 2100 dollars, showing a growth of 125% since the beginning of the year.
Bitcoin. ©2013 Various Artist
Even the bad news no longer seems to affect it to the extent that it does not block its expansion, the value of the cryptomony has steadily increased since the beginning of the year until reaching the first predicted symbolic threshold By analysts.

Starting at less than $ 1,000 a year at the beginning of the year, bitcoin grew at an accelerated pace until it reached the $ 2,000 mark, bringing the value of all bitcoins in circulation Market cap) to nearly $ 33 billion.

The few new adversaries had little effect on the value of the price, unlike some events last year that had led to a very rapid and sharp fall in the price, and the value remains driven by hopes for easing financial regulations The use of non-centralized currencies.
For bitcoin is now far from being the only virtual currency on the market and other currencies, such as Ripple, are beginning to make themselves known and to represent significant volumes.

The bitcoin is also affected by the limitations of its own operation, which brings great debates on the re-founding of its bases and the possible creation of a fork.

In the meantime, the price continues to climb, continuing to accumulate value. Some analysts predict that the $ 3,000 mark could be reached this year (and at the current speed of growth, this could go quickly), while in the longer term, values ​​of $ 10,000 are no longer excluded ...

MaJ 13:30: the price of the bitcoin is already at more than 2100 dollars, showing a growth of 125% since the beginning of the year.

 Source : TechCrunch

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